Returns and Exchanges
You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund.
- All returned or exchanged items must be in original condition with original tags and packaging. Used or damaged items cannot be returned or exchanged.
- If you make a partial return, we'll adjust any discounts that had been applied proportionally and refund you accordingly.
- Soccer Post will cover the return shipping costs, and refund any initial shipping costs, if the return is a result of our error (for example, if you received an incorrect or defective item). Reimbursement for shipping costs will not be covered by Soccer Post for any returns or exchanges in which Soccer Post are not at fault.
Ship the package back using the carrier of your choice:
- Please include your Order Number for fast processing.
- All original tags and original packaging must be included.
- For your security, please return the product(s) with an insured courier (e.g., FedEx, UPS, USPS Parcel Post) and retain your receipt.
- Reasonable care must be taken when packaging the parcel and returning it so that goods are not damaged in transit.
- Soccer Post is not responsible for items damaged or lost in transit.
The return shipping address is:
Soccer Post Returns
303 HWY 35 North
Eatontown, NJ 07724
Soccer Post will notify you by email of your refund once we have received and processed the returned item.
Please allow:
- for transit time for Soccer Post to receive your return (2 - 7 business days)
- for processing upon receipt (1 - 3 business days)
- for the bank to process our refund request (5 - 10 business days)